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Fringe File

Join the Fringe File!

Sign up to receive news and updates about Minnesota Fringe plus exclusive ticket discounts for Fringe button and VIP Pass holders sent every two weeks from September through June.

Submit a Fringe Festival re-mount, Button Deal, or Online Performance

As a service to our community of adventurous artists and audiences, Minnesota Fringe publishes a listing of Twin Cities shows that offer ticket discounts with a Fringe button or Fringe VIP pass and actively promote remounts of past Fringe performances whenever possible via the Fringe File and social media to reach over 25,000 avid arts goers every 2 weeks.

If you're producing a re-mount or online performance but don’t have the ability to offer a discount, fill out the form entirely, and mark "n/a" for any fields which won't apply to your upcoming production.

IMPORTANT: If this form submits properly, you will receive a confirmation message to the email you provide on the form.

Please note: The Fringe File is put on hold during July and August each year. The final newsletter of the season is sent out in late June and resumes in early September.

To submit an image (and we strongly encourage you to do so!), email Hailey Dickinson. You can read the complete set of image specifications and Fringe File's guidelines below to get a better idea of the best practices for a successful Fringe File listing. And, as always, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

Submit a Fringe File Listing

Fringe File guidelines and image specifications

1. To qualify for inclusion in Fringe File, producers must promote the Fringe button/VIP Pass discount in the ticketing section of their website and on any promotional material that mentions discounts.

2. Each event listing, regardless of run dates, may be published in no more than two editions of Fringe File. Listings do not have to be consecutive, but will be so by default unless you notify Fringe staff.

3. A "performing arts event" is defined as an individual show (e.g., "Adventures in Mating" at Bryant-Lake Bowl) or a multiple event festival (e.g., Twin Cities Horror Festival). Shows that are part of a multiple-show festival will not be listed individually. Standing discounts and season discounts will not be published.

4. Each producer is limited to a total of eight individual listings per editorial year (September 1 through August 31).

5. Listings include a show description that is limited to 300 characters. Fringe may edit listings for punctuation but not for spelling or grammatical idiosyncrasies. To avoid coding problems, please avoid using the following within the show description:

  • A. All-capital phrases or sentences.
  • B. _underscores_
  • C. HTML codes
  • D. line breaks, links or URLs
  • E. bold or italics

Please avoid listing ticket prices in your description; there is an individual field for listing your ticket discount.

Because this is targeted to a Fringe audience, we ask that any deal listed be tied to a Fringe button or VIP Pass.

6. Although not required, we strongly encourage producers to also submit an image for their listing. While we will do everything we can to maintain the integrity of the image, please be aware some elements may be cropped out.

  • A. We accept JPEG format (for photos) and PNG (for illustrations). Photos are recommended over illustrations.
  • B. Please do not submit a postcard design. Any writing, logos, etc., on the image may be too small to be readable, become distorted or get cropped.
  • C. Submit your files to Hailey Dickinson.

Fringe File is published every two weeks except leading up to and during our annual Festival in July and August. To be included in Fringe File, listings must be received no later than 9 a.m. on the Wednesday before publication.