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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Ruben Gomez

Company: Wet Splat Productions
Show: One Tree HELL
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Disappointing… That It Wasn’t Longer

I read the summary and thought this would be an interesting show. It was massively enjoyable. The cast, one in particular, kept breaking on delivering lines (yes, in the joyful kind of way that was shared with the audience), costumes were fantastic, and it was funny. I have seen a lot of shows and especially improv shows at Fringe over the years and this was among the best I have ever seen. See this show.

Company: Michael Rogers
Show: As Above, So Below
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

Daringly Genuine

It would be no surprise that a show solely written, produced, and starring Minnesota Fringe veteran Michael Rogers, would be nothing but a delight. However this show, navigates away from the silly and goofy of the likes of My Town or The Life Robotic (we’ll mostly, but I’ll leave the best silly goof goof of this show for you to see in person), this show hits much more close to home. An introspective piece shining a light on experiences that many of us don’t like to talk about, it was incredibly impactful especially if you are an artist, a Minnesotan, or someone who’s dealt with complicated family dynamics and challenges with mental health. The beats were flawless, and I’ve never been more impressed or captivated by a solo performance. Bravo.
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