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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Jeanette Tensfeldt

Company: Deft Pictures
Show: Secrets Under the Christmas Tree: A Deedee Wallaby Mystery
Venue: Open Eye Theatre


Positives first. Actors 100% were living their characters. Plot was definitely an intriguing mystery. The addition of a particular character was definitely a good choice for some relief. Trouble is, I left feeling icky, as if I've inhaled too much second-hand smoke. A little poisoned from exposure to the toxicity of the family. But maybe that's a good thing. I hope I never say things like that to the people I love. I hope I'm never again beguiled into a situation where I accept those things from others. It's a good reminder to be kind, be loving, communicate honestly from a place of love, and to hold your boundaries when others don't treat you with love and respect.
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