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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: P. Drexler

Company: Greta Mae Geiser
Show: Antistrophe to an Andro-Sapphic Tragedy
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

A serious, thougthful work....

Very appropriate for our time considering how forces are gathering to completely strip away all rights women have gained in the 20th century. I appreciated the way that dance was woven into the drama and reinforced the theme. It may be a little abstract for someone unfamiliar with Greek mythology, but I felt the writer communicated her thoughts effectively and I enjoyed the play. The Fringe is many things, and I am pleased that there is still is a space for a work like this within it. Very worthy of your consideration. Thank you for coming all the way from Chicago to share this with us.
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