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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: hannah leatherbarrow

Company: Transatlantic Love Affair
Show: 5 x 5
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Sheer talent and innovation on display

Simply put, 5x5 took my breathe away with each of their 5 epic stories. Each story took on an entirely unique style of expression and physical language, enhanced by wonderful live scoring. Some were languid and dreamy, tense and stoic, or punchy and comical. They knew exactly how to operate within the confines of their structure, and when to break it. The immense craft and creativity at play is hard to describe; it must be witnessed. The 4th story, Jurassic Park, delightfully recreated iconic stills from the movie and I was totally taken with how the ensemble played on different scales here. A seamless transition from seeing far off dinos having a leafy snack off in the distance into an abrupt close-up of the dinosaur's face, rendered in remarkable detail and expression, was just one highlight of many for me. The story beats are meticulously built, with an incredible level of detail and composition, but it never loses a sense of pacing, authentic charm, and lightheartedness.

Company: an alleged Theatre Company
Show: A First-Class Comedic Revue… Featuring the Reanimated Corpse of a Wright Brother
Venue: Phoenix Theater

Allegedly hilarious!

Alleged pushes the boundaries of comedy and performance in this zany, unpredictable, extremely entertaining comedy revue. With the right combination of high-concept and genuine heart, as well as memorable, pitch-perfect performances, it's an easy show to love!
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