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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Mahmoud Hakima

Company: Theatre On The Rocks
Show: A Horse Walks Out Onto the Stage and Dies
Venue: Phoenix Theater

Hold Your Horses . . .

. . . and go see this show! Even after reading the description and seeing the preview, I had no idea what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised! Sam's emotional portrayal of the horse was fantastic and the supporting characters added some good layers at the most perfect of moments. (The cat and the *well-read pig" were my two of my favorites!) It's quite a unique concept for a show, a very refreshing take on the exploration of the worthiness of living. Also, super-impressed that this is this company's first Fringe production, I'll definitely be catching future shows! Should you skip seeing A Horse Walks Onto The Stage And Dies? Nay. Naaayyyy!!!
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