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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Linnea Bond

Company: Light Bringer Productions
Show: The Light Bringer
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Beautiful storytelling

See this show. Laila is a wonderful writer and storyteller, and I found myself both learning about experiences I've never had and affirmed as a woman growing up in a mysogynist, repressive environment. Her story provides the nuance we need more of in the world with a strength that never asks for pity, but simply shares powerfully. And as a person who loves audience participation, I also really love a show that I can also just sit back and listen without needing to give anything or take care of the performer. What a gift.

Company: Francesca Montanile Lyons
Show: VILE
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

So nice I saw it twice

Francesca is incredible. She's just so damn delightful and hilarious while also going to such a tender, deep, vulnerable place. Her critiques of rape culture, capitalism, and media consumption left me feeling so affirmed - I'm not crazy, I'm not so alone - but crafted in such a way that I laughed through the whole show (until I burst into happy-moved tears at the end). The writing, the performance, the delightful design including her creative and insanely well done cartoons - don't miss this out of towner.

Company: Shambles Theatre Company
Show: Good Ones
Venue: HUGE Improv Theater

See it!!

Extremely well done bouffon - the cast's explosive and impish sense of fun is infectious, even as we're cursing ourselves for our well-intentioned mistakes played out in front of us.
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