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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Katie Rose

Company: Deft Pictures
Show: Secrets Under the Christmas Tree: A Deedee Wallaby Mystery
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

I was entertained

I felt like I was one of the family members (actors) just very confused about what was happening. So when the end was revealed I was just as shocked. I enjoyed the show and it made me laugh!

Company: 8:20 Dance Company
Show: Pieces of Me/ Shadows
Venue: The Southern Theater

As a former dancer my heart smiled watching

Company: Black and Foxy Co
Show: Kaleidoscope
Venue: HUGE Improv Theater

Individualistic Stories Told

Variety of aspects, points of view, musical/non musical elements in the show. Thanks for sharing your stories!

Company: Amanda Ripley
Show: The Untold Myth of Medusa, The Musical; Part 1
Venue: The Southern Theater

Eagerly waiting for part 2!

What a musical! Love the contemporary vibe of a Greek story of the goddess Medusa. I really enjoyed watching it! Thanks for sharing your theatrical skills with the world!
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