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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Ellie Cawhorn

Company: The Blair Kitsch Project
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

A perfect gem of a show

I loved this ... so good. The music slaps, of course, and the lip sync was on fleek. A wonderful theatrical experience!

Company: Jackdonkey Productions
Show: The Dumb Waiter
Venue: Open Eye Theatre


This was just perfection! No notes! Five fluffy Maine Coone kitties!

Company: Fearless Comedy Productions
Show: A Murder on the Great Grimpen Mire Express
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Fun Agatha Christie/Sherlock Holms mashup sucdeeds

I liked it very much. One grand laugh, many more smaller laughs and numerous sly winks to the audience, not so much breaking the force wall as toying with it. Five kittens!
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