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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Alison Bergblom Johnson

Company: Mahmoud Hakima
Show: Two Bowls of Cereal and Some Bacon
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Such a fine example of how to talk of the worst

Mahmoud Hakima is a great storyteller, improv performer, and incredible community member. This show is so intensely personal, but so generous and aware that the specifics of suffering may be personal, but that suffering is universal. The topics in this show are some of the hardest things that ever happen to humans. Also, many of them are also devastatingly common. A theater scene that supports performers doing work this brave and hopeful is definitely something that keeps me as an artist in Minneapolis. You've got to see this show.

Company: Mike Fotis Productions
Show: The Camp Out
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Sad, Thoughtful, Realistic, Fer Cute Gen Xers

Sad, thoughtful, realistic, fer cute gen Xers grieve, f*** (off stage), and laugh. Yes, there's quite a few who's sleeping with whom bits, with a bit of off stage sex, and some frank discussions of body parts. Lots of improv is wild, surreal, bigger than life. This is a heartwarming show that feels almost a bit too real. As a forty something year old I kinda love that a show can feel this Minnesotan, this quiet, and hold this much. I enjoyed this. I'd like more shows that are not riotous laughs with no emotional core, and what I loved about this show was that the emotional core was nerdy, awkward and unapologetically forty-something.
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