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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Laura Hild

Company: Corpus Dance Works
Show: All The Hullabaloo
Venue: The Southern Theater

A dancing delight!

Loved this show! If you are a fan of dance do not miss this! Their breadth of movement, use of space, and quirkiness left me smiling from ear to ear. And rad music.

Company: WonderJ Studio
Show: Janelle Did You Know You Talk Really Fast?
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

A fantastic breath of fresh air

If you are looking for a positive, fun spirited show that will leave you feeling joyful and happy try this on for size.

Company: Mahmoud Hakima
Show: Two Bowls of Cereal and Some Bacon
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Raw and Real

I am typically a bit bored during one person shows but Mahmoud grabbed my attention from start to finish. The way he utilized props and the stage to tell his story along with raw, real emotions I couldn’t look away and have been thinking about it since.
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