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Corner Coffee Uptown

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Corner Coffee Uptown

1414 West 28th Street, Minneapolis


Click on the address above for a detailed map.
The entrance accessible to wheelchair users is on 28th St. The building is ADA compliant, with accessible restrooms.


Metered parking is available, with a paid surface lot at 1359 Lagoon Ave.

Bus and bike

Accessible via Metro Transit 4, 6, 17, and 21. Accessible on bike via the Midtown Greenway.

See Metro Transit's website for changes to bus routes. Construction Updates are available via Hennepin County's website.

More Information

This is an independently produced venue. A water fountain will be available.

Shows at Corner Coffee Uptown

Holy O
By Lauren Hance of Out of Mind Prodcutions
  • Holy O

    By: Lauren Hance of Out of Mind Prodcutions

    Venue: 2024 Corner Coffee Uptown

    Description: Vera is contemplating becoming a nun, but can’t let go of her vibrators. Step into the role of “saint,” and help Vera make the biggest decisions of her life, starting... Go to this Show's Page

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Corner Coffee Uptown Showtimes on: Aug 04, 2024

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