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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Eric Simons

Company: Juliet & Juliet
Show: Juliet & Juliet: Improvised Shakespeare
Venue: Theatre in the Round

“Whose Ass Upon Mine Throne Sit!?”

Improv can be an aquired taste. So can the Bard. J&J elevates both.

Company: Mike Fotis Productions
Show: The Camp Out
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

“That’s not the brag you think it is”

Sucker for slice of life improv. Sucker for messy relationships that dont need clean resolutions. Sucker for cute set design. First time i cried on Sunday!

Company: Linnea Bond
Show: Heart Ripped Out Twice And So Can You!
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

Heart Rippingly Great

Took a flier on this one and a few minutes in realized it was a clown show and knew i was in for something special…and uncomfortable. Second time i cried on Sunday! Light nightmares about surgeries, yay!
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