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By Lessismore Productions

Written by Phil Holt

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A desperate Writer struggling to progress in her work, haunted by a successful former colleague, invites characters she can't pin down into her home. Stakes rise, pages shred, egos and identities deconstruct.
Crude Humor,Loud noises
The creators say this show is appropriate for ages 16 and up
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I once read that the late, truly great, playwright August Wilson started writing each of his plays by listening to the voices of his characters.  That idea always fascinated me.  This is just one of the many reasons why the man was a genius.  

I began writing plays at the Playwrights’ Center, where he had. The more I wrote, the more I started to ponder that idea, of trusting my characters to give me the story.  I wondered what would happen if they resisted and fought back. This was the kernel of the idea that led to this play. My sincere thanks to the wonderful actors who truly bring these characters to life.

This play will reward repeat viewing. Try to see it early in your Fringe experience. This will allow you see it again later and pick up on things that you may miss the first time.

I hope you choose to come see this show.

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