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By Partizan Theater

Created by James Včulek

Every film has a backstory. Sometimes it's the only story.
Adult language
The creators say this show is appropriate for ages 12-15 and up
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Partizan Theater has presented eleven productions in the last fifteen years, including "Carol and Cotton," named Best Drama at the 2012 Minnesota Fringe Festival and Best Drama at the 2013 New York Fringe Festival. Other plays presented have included:  "Shtick, and Its Relation to the Unconscious" (2003); "The Princeton Seventh" (2005); "Something Witchy" (2009); "Angelina Jolie is a Zionist Whore, or Plan 9 from Baghdad" (2010). 


Its film arm, Partizan Pictures, produced the award-winning films "Two Harbors" (2005) (Best Feature, Minneapolis-St. Paul International Film Festival, Eugene Film Festival, Milwaukee International Film Festival, Victoria (Australia) Film Festival, Beloit International Film Festival, Queens Film Festival; and "The Quietest Sound" (2006), (Best Actress, Catherine Johnson Justice, Fargo Film Festival). 


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