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Strike Theater

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Strike Theater

824 - 18th Avenue Northeast, Minneapolis


Click on the address above for a detailed map of parking and access.

Strike Theater is located in the historic Thorp Building, next to MTN. Entrance to the theater is located at 18th Ave NE and Jackson St NE.

Strike is in the northwest corner of the building. Strike Theater is Suite 176. Although it is not labelled. Suites 175 and 177 are. Restrooms and theater are fully accessible. The closest accessible entrance is Dock 8, near the parking lot.

You can access the parking lot near Strike by entering on Central Avenue by Diamond Coffee (look for "Thorp Building Parking" signs, and drive all the way to the end of the building) or on 18th Ave NE.

Strike Theater has two entrances. There is a front door off of 18th, or you can enter the bay doors located near the parking lot on the west side of the Thorp building. The closest accessible entrance is Dock 8, near the parking lot. A volunteer will be available to direct you to the ramp.

**Travel Advisory** Interstate 35W at 94 is under heavy construction. Please visit MNDoT for the latest updates:

**Travel Advisory** Open Streets Northeast is Sunday, August 4th. Please allow extra time for travel and parking as the following major streets will be closed to motorized traffic from 11am-5pm that day: Central Ave, 22nd Ave NE; Monroe St NE (


Click on the address above for a detailed map.

Free parking can be found in the Thorp Building lot entered near the corner 18th Ave NE and Quincy St NE.

Free street parking is available along 18 1/2 Ave NE, and on nearby residential streets.

Bus and bike

Metro Transit routes 10 and 59.

Closest bike share station is 4 blocks south at Central Ave & 14th Ave NE or 5 blocks north at Central Ave and 22nd Ave NE.

Make your trip to the Fringe easy. Save $1 off a Day Pass in the Nice Ride App with code MNFRINGE.

August 3rd & 4th: NorthEast
2 pm - 8 pm
University Ave NE & 12th Ave NE


Please don't contact the venue. We can help. If you can't find an answer here, just contact us.

Shows at Strike Theater

Bo & Howie Are DTF (Defining Their Friendship)
By Bo and Howie Have A Theater Company
Can I Borrow Your Poop?
By Amie Durenberger
By Scammers, Thieves, and The Like
R Culture
By EnCompass Theatre
Songs To Caftan In
By Plucky Rosenthal
The Overview Effect
By Octoberdandy Productions
The Shrieking Harpies
By Shrieking Harpies
The Tale of The Bloody Benders
By The Feral Theatre Company

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Strike Theater Showtimes on: August 07, 2019

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