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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: milli manchester

Company: Mikala Bierma
Venue: The Southern Theater

Waiting Often for that Hard Stop

This show appeared to be several skits that didn't connect much done by a woman who really likes attention. I found it loud and not particularly clever. Shows are hard to put together and bring to life and she did do that! But it was really unclear what her message was beyond 'here are several parts of me.' Unfortunately, there was nothing particularly unique or special about those parts, no conflict overcome, no transformation, no reason the audience should/would be interested in watching her pop open a confetti can.

Company: W.A.S. Productions
Show: A Number
Venue: Phoenix Theater

Intense ending with delight

This play was strong! The acting was strong, the content was heavy, somewhat cryptic. I was not familiar with this play prior to this viewing. I enjoyed it! The ending was great! Both performances were well done!

Company: The Other Jeannie Retelle
Show: Becoming My Mother: The Other Origin Story
Venue: HUGE Improv Theater

Great Storytelling

This show was heartwarming and very funny! The intergenerational pieces were beautiful and it was fun watching the makeup routine as he told his stories. The storytelling was strong! The story itself, strong. The actual drag performances and end result makeup were lackluster. This artist was engaging and entertaining but the actual talent for drag didn't show through very strongly.

Company: Tennessee Playwrights Studio
Show: That Woman - The Monologue Show
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Interesting take

Bits of this felt like a book promotion, but I now want to track down the memoir, so I'm actually not upset about it! As if I needed another reason to roll my eyes at men's behavior, but I can add this to pocket. The show was well done, and I'm glad voices are being heard.

Company: Dime Stage Co.
Show: The Zoo Story
Venue: Bryant Lake Bowl

Intense and Thoughtful

I enjoyed this! There were parts that felt very uncomfortable, who hasn't been accosted on a park bench? I enjoyed this! I personally like to break up of all the "fringey" plays with some more classical works.

Company: The Improv Movement Project
Show: IMP presents Collidescope
Venue: HUGE Improv Theater

This show scratched every itch!

I could have watched this for hours! I wanted to go join in! It looked so fun! Don't miss it!

Company: Pretend Productions
Show: Daddy Issues
Venue: Phoenix Theater

"So this is good acting."

I literally thought to myself, "Wow. So this is what good acting looks like," as this show was being performed. The character work was fantastic! The content and vulnerability was brave and I even loved the use of cardboard! The whole thing worked for me!

Company: Mike Fotis Productions
Show: The Camp Out
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Well Done

This show demonstrates that improv doesn't just have to be boner jokes and cheap laughs. It can allow time for building and emotion. It was hard to believe that the show was improvised entirely, though, maybe it wasn't (structurally). The show had depth that I appreciated and it was sweet in a way that we don't often get to see with improv.

Company: Jason Schommer
Show: A Material Boy Living In A Madonna World!
Venue: Strike Theater


I wanted to know about the Bette Midler gays! This show felt more like a cooky professor lecture than a Fringe Show but I still laughed and found the storytelling charming.

Company: Martin Dockery
Show: Martin Dockery: TRUTH
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Not much story to tell

Storytelling in the round is difficult, he did OK with this. I think his vibe wasn't for me- it was sort of like a Rush Limbaugh of Fringe. I didn't love the screaming and intensity to an otherwise mundane story about pooping. The thread of his stories also had a people pleasing quality to them that I didn't love- Hating the baby carrier but using it to fit in and appease the gift giver (sure, be kind, yes!), but then it sort of continues throughout all stories- avoiding confrontation for the sake of being liked (cab driver, the MAGA hats, etc). It wasn't until the very end when he explicitly says that he was not pro-Trump that I really knew his stance. The stories were also not...real?

Company: Paul Thomas
Show: Intimate and Appropriate
Venue: Bryant Lake Bowl

People were walking out

This show seemed to be an attempt at satire, but it seems he should know his audience. We aren't interested in sitting through an hour of "hearing out" the perspective of Trump supporters, even if it is "meant as a joke." Slurs are slurs. Structurally this was creative, but it's time to catch up to the times and find a new artistic voice. Immigrants with iphones nicer than yours and "white people who are not white?" This all perpetuates perspectives that we all want to leave behind.

Company: Transatlantic Love Affair
Show: 5 x 5
Venue: Open Eye Theatre


After a 9 year sabbatical, how I have missed you! This show was remarkable! I love the unique use of motion to set the scene! It was engaging and the stories were so diverse! Don't stay away so long next time! I could have watched Dracula's teeth all night.

Company: Linnea Bond
Show: Heart Ripped Out Twice And So Can You!
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

Larger Than Life

I enjoyed this show! It sort of started out like The Good Place and then became hyper specific to the artist's life, with goofy dancing and dark, satirical comedy. Well done!

Company: MaMa Faerie Productions
Show: Show Me Your Wings
Venue: Squirrel Haus Arts

Magical and Inspiring!

I would have liked to have had more time to explore the other installations but The Fringe schedules are tight, so I felt I missed out on half of it. There was a lot going on but I enjoyed stepping into this magical world. So much work appeared to go into this from so many angles!

Company: Playabunga Productions
Show: The Life Robotic
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Conceptually Wonderful!

This was a great idea! The music was well done, the flow was well organized, the technology worked! This is an improvised show, which in this town starts to all look similar. Great concept! The robot did not use dialogue only from audience members, however. It didn't seem to lean on texts as much as the premise let on.

Company: Melancholics Anonymous
Show: Beanie Baby Divorce Play
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

So Many TY-ists!

I loved this show! I have never seen a Fringe show twice until now. The writing had so many elements: song, poems, magic, oh my! It was hilarious! I didn't even notice that the first show had drag! OMG! I love this group! Keep going, you guys!

Company: Jackdonkey Productions
Show: The Dumb Waiter
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Witty and Worth the Watch!

I enjoyed this show! The dialogue was very fast and the accents were heavy. However, I grew up with Brummies and I still struggled to de-code the accents. It may have been the accents. It may have been the pace, it may have been my hearing. I love dry British humor! I enjoyed the banter! Ultimately, I found the ending confusing and a bit rushed. I couldn't tell if this was on purpose or by happenstance.

Company: Francesca Montanile Lyons
Show: VILE
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Written for ME!

This show had so many elements I didn't know I needed! This was relatable, funny, and vulnerable all at once. I hope that slug piece lives in my dreams forever!
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