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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Vickijoan Keck

Company: Transatlantic Love Affair
Show: 5 x 5
Venue: Open Eye Theatre


I am pretty sure I have seen everything this group has done. So beautiful to watch. All the stories presented were traditional folk tales except one. Jurassic Park seemed out of place. Still, brilliant work as usual

Company: Jamie Brickhouse
Show: I Favor My Daddy: A Tale of Two Sissies
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Great storytelling

You can see why this guy is a 6 time Moth champion. At 10 pm after an exhausting day, he kept my full attention throughout the hour. (Matin D put me to sleep)! This is a love letter to his Daddy-poo, who's sexual preference will forever remain a mystery. Touching and funny!

Company: W.A.S. Productions
Show: A Number
Venue: Phoenix Theater


It's really refreshing to see a serious, well-acted drama at the fringe. Expert acting and tight script. I left with a few questions about which was the "real" son, but overall found this an intriguing premise. The acting and directing were stellar. Kudos

Company: Paco Erhard | German Comedy International
Show: An Honest* History of Bullshit
Venue: HUGE Improv Theater

my friend laughed his ass off - me, not as much

I missed his sold out show last year, so was excited to be able to catch this show. I came in with high expectations, but was put off by the constant use of the F word. I feel sorry for any Republicans who came - I had no idea that it would be so political! A lot of the audience was laughing hysterically, and I can see why he has such a following. Not really my cup of tea though.

Company: Hey Rube!
Show: Yo-Ho-Hum: A Pirate's Midlife Crisis
Venue: Theatre in the Round

A wild ride

fast paced, high energy and goofy. Amazing that this is based on a real person! The cast gives it their all and it's a fun entertainment! The end was a bit of a bummer, and I felt especially bad for the first mate!

Company: Team Rand-McKay
Show: Dream of Me
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Nice work

Company: Francesca Montanile Lyons
Show: VILE
Venue: Open Eye Theatre


The preview of this show sold me on it! Funny, Scary, disturbing and so so memorable! This is what the Fringe is all abour!! See it if you dare!

Company: Beta Fish Productions
Show: Welcome To The Food Chain
Venue: Strike Theater

A macabre tour de force!

Rob has boundless energy and is not afraid to push the envelope. This is not for kiddies - despite the Suessian poetry and puppet work - and not for the faint of heart. But if you can stomach it, it's great fun! Fans of last years' How To Kill A Horse will love this. He Sings - He Dances - He eats people!!

Company: American School of Storytelling
Show: More Better Stories
Venue: American School of Storytelling

A mixed bag (of nuts)?

This venue features 5 diverse storytellers, all doing hour long stories. Howard and Sufian, plus one small cameo is what I heard in the two sessions I attended. Both were excellent and engaging. Producers Loren Niemi and Christine Mounts are nationally known storyteller/poets who have worked hard to make this little hole in the wall theatre a magical place to be. Kudos to all!

Company: Martin Dockery
Show: Martin Dockery: TRUTH
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Just another manic Martin!

This guy has so much energy he makes you tired just listening to him. He is always entertaining, but what struck me is that a show called Truth should be just that. The longer you listen the more you realize that it's just another "shaggy dog story " and the "truth" is being stretched.

Company: Mermaid Productions
Show: A Monster Scientist and a Tattooed Anarchist Walk into a Bar
Venue: The Comedy Corner - Underground

Warts, Tattoos and all

Ariel is profoundly honest and wears her heart (and tattoos) on her sleeve in this hour long foray into her midlife crisis. She unabashedly tells you who she is and makes no apologies for her sometimes scandalous behavior. Ultimately listenable, engaging and entertaining! Great job - but I did want to see the whole tattoo!
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