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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Sher U-F

Company: Alex Stokes / Sky Blue Productions
Show: Hugo and Maeve Join A Cult!
Venue: Bryant Lake Bowl

Wig Wet Goodness

This deserves 5 pussy cats. Really damn funny. Loved the live stream and MOA references. Actors were fantastic and script was brilliant. Would be thrilled for this to be the first of a series with more characters introduced... like a grandma. BRAVO!

Company: Jason Schommer
Show: A Material Boy Living In A Madonna World!
Venue: Strike Theater

The Material Girl Would Love This!

This show is a bodacious work of art. You don't even have to love Madonna or the 80s to appreciate this ride. In true Jason Schommer fashion (that's Schommer with a C, thank you), Jason gives the audience everything they came for and more. His fantabulous delivery was a mix of Ted-Talk and storytelling. At times it felt like he was informally telling a group of friends about the events in his life that led to his MAGestic encounters. And then BAMB he'd land a joke, and we were gleefully reminded he's a professional stand-up comedian. Thanks, Jason, for including a nod to Louie Anderson. I loved how "into" the show the audience was and how Jason included the audience and played off of their energy and comments. It only made us love Jason and this show more. Bravo, Schommie!

Company: Justice Theatre Consortium
Show: Defibrillator
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

cerebral and heartfelt (no pun)

When life serves you a crap sandwich... you eat lasagna. This show put me inside the head of Jenny. I could feel her heartbeat as her world was turned upside down. Daily lists outlined the clinical documentation of Jenny's recovery (a brilliant way to keep the audience up-to-speed) while the emotional side of healing was portrayed through dream-like dance. Friends and family frantically wanted to go to her side when Jenny needed them most (but damn COVID... or was COVID a good way of getting out of an uncomfortable situation?). The audience related to the I-don't-know-what-to-do pain of Jenny's loved ones. A heart puppet and clinical vocab brought on the after-school-special tone we all go through when hearing medical terms we never want to know. The action kept moving but wasn't afraid to breathe. Actors took on many roles and yet were one in telling the story. Bravo to the 4 who worked hard to make it all seem seamless. Lights and sounds enhanced the storytelling (although the music was a little loud when trying to hear actors). And kudos to the voice of Jenny's husband. My favorite part was the end (NO SPOILERS!).... maddening and loving all at the same time.
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