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Self-Titled Debut Album

By Philip Simondet

Written by Philip Simondet

An original musical about a band recording their first album. During Demo Tape (2015 Fringe) a band was formed. Now The Cautiously Optimystics have rented a recording studio... but can they work together?
The creators say this show is appropriate for ages 16 and up
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Self-Titled Debut Album is an original musical about a band, The Cautiously Optimystics, recording their first album. The newly formed band must learn to work together to create something greater than its parts.

This is the second part of The Cautiously Optimystics' saga. The first installment was Demo Tape, which was produced in 2015's MN Fringe Festival. In Demo Tape, an idealistic singer/songwriter, Philip, scoured the open mic scene (and Craigslist) to assemble a band and impress a local radio DJ. Now the band has pooled their resources to take the next step - recording their Self-Titled Debut Album.

Can you enjoy Self-Titled Debut Album if you didn't see Demo Tape?

Of course. The show is self-contained. No prior knowledge is necessary.

That being said, you can watch Demo Tape here.
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