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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Joseph Homrich

Company: Beta Fish Productions
Show: Welcome To The Food Chain
Venue: Strike Theater

High energy comedy and education

I'm tempted to comment ironically that poor Rob Ward really needs to get over his shyness :-) This is a high energy one man show that few could accomplish. The comedy, acrobatics, puppetry never lets up. There's barely a pause in the entire act and it's amazing that one man has the stamina and brains to pull it off. Kudos for the real education about dangerous animals and our relationships with them. The act ends with some common sense advice for those relationships and interactions. Rob also includes a paper hand-out with citations of source material for those interested. Really well done.

Company: Funk Haus Theater
Show: Interstella 5555: A Daft Punk Discovery
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

Amazing energy and creativity

Amazing dance, choreography, energy and creativity. It captured my attention immediately and didn't let go. The theater was packed and deservedly so.

Company: Justice Theatre Consortium
Show: Defibrillator
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

Magnificent. Fun. Thoughtful. A must see

What if I told you there was a play that would make you laugh, cry, think, as well as educating you about sudden cardiac arrest? What might you think? Well, let me further explain that the show is performed by four magnificent actors with perfect comedic timing to a clever and well-crafted script across a stage where their movement, pantomime and props add wonderfully to the performance. I was surprised and amazed by this show. Hats off to the Justice Theatre Consortium and everyone involved in this production. It’s on my must see list.

Company: Michael Shaeffer
Show: Thy Hard
Venue: The Comedy Corner - Underground

Wow. Someone knows their Shakespeare!

This was performed this at the Comedy Underground. Which is probably the best venue for this type of performance. Michael is a very talented entertainer and this show offers everything one can expect in that venue. The show has a slow initial burn and starts out exactly as billed with some very impressive Shakespearean poetry lampooning of the movie Die Hard. Then it takes some detours that keep the audience from getting bored. There's some props work and a little audience participation thrown in. All-in-all very well done. Nonetheless the show is limited by both format and venue. Clever, but not a must-see.

Company: Rebecca Wickert
Show: Seance Sisters
Venue: Strike Theater

Perfect show for the Fringe Festival

What a wonderful show! This is perfect for the fringe. Great acting and writing, a historical context that teaches important lessons about human gullibility and what desperate people can be driven to for money and survival. Plus some fun magic tricks and illusions. And let me add that the Strike theater was the perfect venue for this type of play. This one is on my must see list. Well done!

Company: Playabunga Productions
Show: The Life Robotic
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

So funny. Great team

The toughest thing about improv? What to say next. These guys have a wonderful idea - ask the audience. The actors have a wonderful energy and of course the folks attending this show are looking for fun and ready to interact. From start to finish I loved this show and since it's improv, no two shows are the same. I think I'll come back again on another night for more fun.

Company: Boiled Horse Productions
Show: Stroke of Genius: Pantomime Masturbation Throughout Performing Arts History
Venue: Strike Theater

Kept waiting for the jokes

Okay let’s see. We’ve got masturbation, audience participation, and a Fringe Festival venue. Sounds like perfect comedy fodder. But my girlfriend and I spent an hour waiting for the jokes that never arrived - which was sad because I was really rooting for the cast. I think Shane, Ira and all the folks working on props and film segments worked hard to make this show a reality. I found Shane comfortable, likeable, and engaging in a venue where that can be difficult to achieve. I only wish the show could have delivered more humor.

Company: W.A.S. Productions
Show: A Number
Venue: Phoenix Theater

Smart and thought provoking

Great script and great acting made all the more enjoyable with the minimal stage and intimate space provided by the Phoenix Theater. The play explores dark and all-to-possible situations that could arise with human cloning. I tell everyone I meet at Fringe, this is a must see.

Company: Ken Takata
Show: Musical Settings for Shakespeare
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Too many instruments on this night

It was difficult to hear the singers on the night I attended the performance. And for me (and probably most Shakespeare fans who love our Medieval English), it’s the lyrics that are most important. I’m guessing that in a venue as small as Theatre in the Round, it’s difficult to control the volume of the accompanying instruments. And on the night that I attended this included a drum set, a standup bass, and keyboards. That being said, the singers and musicians were spot on! I just wish I could have heard the singers more clearly and attended on a night when it was just the singers and a keyboard.

Company: Hey Rube!
Show: Yo-Ho-Hum: A Pirate's Midlife Crisis
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Pure FUN!

Perfect fringe show. Wonderfully funny from start to finish. My girlfriend and I loved it. Great script and great acting.
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