Playback Time
Created by The Reservoir Frogs

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Cast and Crew
Adam Boutz
Adam has never been accused of burning down an orphanage. There are no reliable sources that claim he has ever pushed an old lady down the stairs. But, if he ever did, you could be sure that she had it coming. He does not currently operate an illicit but highly profitable betting ring for children's hockey leagues.
Mickaylee Shaughnessy
Mickaylee is not growing clones of herself in a tank beneath the Uptown K-Mart. She bathes regularly and lives with a socially-acceptable number of cats.
Andy Christian
Andy would like it to be known that he did not make any terroristic threats towards his coworkers, nor has he ever killed anyone. All of the forms and questionnaires submitted as part of his application to be a foster parent are technically accurate. He also never laundered money through a children's leukemia nonprofit on behalf of the Manx Mafia.
Michelle D'Angelo
Michelle has never married an 85 year old billionaire, poisoned them, and inherited their wealth. She is not currently running a pyramid scheme that sells outfits for cats.
Tom Schmidt
Tom is not someone to trifle with. Legend has it there are MI6 stories to tell, but he denies having ever been to England. His favourite club is Chelsea and his favourite activity outside of improv is classified.
Amy Zajack
Amy has never stolen candy from strangers, nor produced fine forgeries of Frida Kahlo paintings. Nope, never, not her. Just ignore the basement full of smarties, chocolate bars, and paints. Despite what you might read on Yelp, she has never operated a café in Honduras specializing in serving critically-endangered species from around the world.
Diana Christian
TechDiana absolutely knows what improvised theater is.
More Information
An improvised docudrama full of greed, ambition, lust, scandal, and failure. We follow the interwoven stories of three characters who each want something so bad that they're willing to cross lines to get it. A Coen-esque tale of small people who get in over their heads. Maybe its petty jealousy. Maybe its debt. Maybe its shame. Maybe someone just wants their moment in the spotlight. We're all the heros of our own stories, until abruptly we are not.