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2023 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Marie Cooney

Company: Wet Splat Productions
Show: 20,000 Leagues Under the Telltale Heart
Venue: Rarig Center Arena

Out with a Bang Sundae!

This was the last Fringe show I saw on Sunday. A multi-flavored sundae with lots of goodies throughout. Jane Austen was definitely the cherry on top. Especially loved Poe and Twain. Every character as hysterical and I imagined them all together in a Lighthouse Reunion. Well done.

Company: Rippling Stories
Show: Against the Odds: Rachel Carson and the Writing of Silent Spring
Venue: Augsburg Studio

DDT & Earthworms

I will never see or smell earthworms again without thinking about this important story about a woman ahead of her times and unfortunately ignored too often. Earthworms pop out everywhere as do the long term effects of DDT. As a person who sustained Traumatic Brain Injuries and now suffers from sensory overload, the pre-show film about how DDT was blatantly used in many forms without care really affect me. I am also grateful the Katie suggest a storm with minimal lighting effects, which made coming to this show possible for people with various neurological disabilities and sensitivities. I am familiar with Katie as a storyteller of shorter works. It was a delight to see a full show of hers. I am delighted she got a last minute spot in this year's fringe and I hope we see more of her. I also recognized so many of the names of local and distant storytellers who were "listeners" and helped with the development of this show. The storytelling network of friends is amazing. Thanks for stepping in after a cancelation.

Company: Jamie Campbell Creative
Show: Big Dad Energy
Venue: Rarig Center Xperimental

Be My Big Daddy!

The three minute preview had me hooked. The pineapple on pizza metaphor was brilliant. I knew I had to see the full show. Jamie is one of the treats from Kansas City this year. He walked a tight rope of funny, hysterical and painful topics with Big Daddy Energy and grace. Kids everywhere need parental role models from the non-biological parents out there. Thanks Jamie!

Company: Two Minnie Cooks
Show: New Origins: Beauty and the Beast
Venue: Rarig Center Thrust

The Story Before the Story.

This story before the story most of us know is quite delightful, entertaining, and informative of the possible back story of the fairytale. It was fun to be in the audience watching this talented group of actors and musician create this powerful tale. I will never see Beauty and the Beast the same again.

Company: John Heimbuch
Show: Gilgamesh
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Two Brilliant Bonuses at Last Minute!

John Heimbuch is an amazing solo performer and storyteller. See him wherever and whenever possible. The 30th MN Fringe Festival was gifted twice by last minute inclusions of his talents! John filled in as a last minute replacement at Theater in the Round, which can be a difficult venue with lots of rehearsal time. He worked the audience, who were melded in the palm of his hand, as if we were gathered round a fire of thousand of years ago listening to the oral history or a great bard. In addition, he performed Beowulf at Fringe Central. Both were brilliant treats, proof of "you never know what's going to happen at the Fringe"! It's a magical world where some of the best performers step to the plate for the first time or the N-teeth time! Thanks.

Company: Alex Church
Show: Primary
Venue: Augsburg Studio

So many tangents, too little time.

I liked the opening video and the beginning of the story. I wish they had announced the playwright was on script for the character Elizabeth and why, because many people do not experience this in theater going activities. For me, there were to many tangents, that could be full scripts, and not enough time to develop important topics. Maybe the beginning of a longer work in progress or multiple stories/plays.

Company: Flavorade Foucault
Show: Shark Grant
Venue: Rarig Center Xperimental

Shark-Spoofing Sharks

A funny spoof on Sharks, America's Got Talent, and other tv shows about competing for fame and/or fortune. This was also a humorous way for other Fringe Artists to promote their shows in the daily change of contestants. Winner will be announce at final performance.

Company: musicbyskippy
Show: we can wish: a beatboxing and music variety show
Venue: Augsburg Studio

Yippee Skippy!

What an exuberant, delightful, and triumphant use of the human mouth, lips, and tongue to create a full drum line of sounds! Very entertaining and touching exploration of professional fears and personal fears. Please come back to the MN Fringe!

Company: Black Lives Black Words International Project
Show: Baldwin's Last Fire
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Round & Round & Round We Go!

Theater in the round can be quite challenging, but the high paced action of this play, lead by Harry Waters Jr., made it look like a piece of cake. I thoroughly enjoyed the diverse use of minimalistic props in such a creative way. I want to see this play fully produced. Kudos to playwright, Reginald Edmund , whose work I hope to see again.

Company: Allison Broeren
Show: Fire in My Veins: Blazing through Life with Invisible Illness
Venue: Strike Theater

Five Spoons To Boost Energy

I also have often invisible disabilities, and it was my partner who taught me the "you only have so many spoons" analogy while we were watching Astra on Netflix. Allison's story is so honest, so raw, so funny, because she blatantly takes the shame out of talking about so many things by diving into forbidden topics again and again and again. By doing that she builds spoons for others within or silently beyond disability communities. If you enjoyed this show or didn't get to see this show, come to Strike Theatre's Story Slam. Thanks Allison for everything you do!

Company: Fortune’s Fool Theatre
Show: The Resilient Child
Venue: Augsburg Mainstage

Resilience is a Difficult Word

Resilience is a difficult word for me, especially when used in connection with children. Strong or bounce back don’t hit the mark either. I most identified with Katie, who said that sometimes you can’t go back to a before that no longer exists. The questioned, “How are you resilient?” when asked of the children in the cast seemed forced to me, maybe not the right word at this time in their lives. Do we as adults want to believe with all our hearts that children are resilient instead of just letting them be vulnerable kids? I wanted to hear more about the missed cat or being bullied, not how they got through it. Yes, maybe the adults were resilient children, when younger and even still. We can hope for the children, but is it too soon to tell or even ask?

Company: Juliana Frick
Venue: Augsburg Mainstage

Jewish Mother Are Like Many Others!

Jewish mothers are like many others. The Jewish Myra reminded me of my Irish Catholic mother. How can someone be so connected and disconnected from their grief and religious faith at the same time? All I can say is that Juliana Frick finds the universal by presenting the personal story of one kooky and hopeful woman. Float on by to Augsburg to see the show during the MN Fringe Festival.

Company: Phina Pipia
Show: Ha Ha Da Vinci
Venue: Southern Theater

Neurological Disability Awareness

Great idea. I love supporting traveling artists, but…. I had to leave the show. I sustained Traumatic Brain Injuries and sometimes suffer from sensory overload of lights, sounds, smells and more. FLASHING LIGHTS, like those seen here are often used as side lighting, especially for dance, and they can have a strobe like effect with changing colors. Solutions: wear visor, dark glassed, black sleep mask, duck and hide for just the beginning. SOUND CUES: Auditory discrimination deficit is the inability to balance background and foreground sound that is supposed to be central to attention. The cricket cues were piercing, brain scrambling, way to loud, and much too long! Suggestions: introduce sound cue and then bring down the volume once the scene is established, unfortunately earplugs also dampen the performer. Because I am OUT with a TBI, I have been hearing from others, with and without disabilities, that this has been a recurring problem this year in many venues. Performers and technicians, please be aware: Are you being inclusive of people with neurological disabilities? Are performers being drowned out unnecessarily and maybe unintentionally by sound, because each venue only has access to two mics? Please be aware of people with various disabilities. I hate walking out on a show.

Company: Sandbox Theatre
Show: Yes No Maybe (please explain)
Venue: Rarig Center Thrust

MAYBE = Go if you have the time and cash.

I enjoyed the funny use of life video with characters and performers. Music was too loud and upstaged and drowned out the spoken dialogue. Cute concept. Somewhat redundant. See if you have time and want to support blended art and various artists. Go to something else if you have limited time and cash.

Company: Jackdonkey Productions
Show: Dock Work
Venue: Rarig Center Thrust

UNIONS MATTER! Right for All Workers!

From the history of dock workers organizing through other workers of today, this show rocks! Using movement, dance, drama and music the audience is shown the importance of unions and sometimes the price of organizing labor. Don't be put off my anti-union people. See this show! YOU might want the rights and protection of a union, if you don't already have them. (Notes: I am a proud member of IATSE, Local 13 in entertainment industry! As a person with a neurological disability including sensory overload, the rock band was too loud and upstaged the spoken word.)

Company: Paco Erhard
Show: 5-Step Guide to Being German
Venue: Rarig Center Thrust

Practically Rolling in the Aisles!

OMG! Stand-up comedy! Paco’s show is so damn funny, it practically had me rolling in the audience! Thank God, I avoided a sticky situation and didn’t pee in my pants! It was such a joy to sit next to another non-Minnesotan who didn’t have to play “nice” and was splitting at the seams too! I know old stereotypes and blemished history is hard to forget, but you shouldn’t condemn every German for their country’s past. Rip roaring funny about Germans, Americans, and more. Come see this show at #mnfringe, especially if you need to belt out laughter after seeing some of the more serious shows.

Company: Thee & Me Productions
Show: Omar Khayyam Club
Venue: Rarig Center Thrust

Fact or Fiction or Maybe Both

Entertaining and educational romp through what might be the history of a literary figure, translators, and fans allowed and not allowed into the old boy’s club. Possibilities abound, while questions remain. A fun show. The ending was brilliant. Thanks.

Company: Kurkendaal Barrett Presentations
Show: Climbing my family tree
Venue: Rarig Center Thrust

Sometimes, LES is more and more is less.

As a person with a neurological disability and sensory challenges, it was difficult for me to separate the background music from the spoken words of Les at the very beginning, even though I was sitting right up front. However, the dropped music cue was very effective at that specific time of the story about his grandfather. The grandfather story was interweaved with meeting other relatives after taking a DNA Ancestry test. The weaving was fun with lots of twists and turns. I especially enjoyed the change is Les’ voice when he became his grandfather and that there wasn’t the need for vocal changes the other new relatives. Regarding photos as props, I did not need them, even from the front row. The story, itself, carried the story with brilliant storytelling. The old adage, “sometimes less is more and more is less,” is true. Either way, Les is always Les, a delight and must see act! The final sound cue was fun without competition of hearing words.

Company: Timothy Mooney Repertory Theatre
Show: Breakneck Midsummer Night’s Dream
Venue: Rarig Center Thrust

Tim: The Bard of Breakneck with Ensemble!

Tim Mooney is known as the king of breakneck speed, solo Shakespeare, highly caffeinated. This time we were treated with an ensemble of other performers on Red Bull, taking on many roles with minute costume change of post dressed mainly in black. It was nice to see some familiar faces take the stage with him. I loved Puck. I 'm a sucker for his solo show, but recommend this for anyone wanting to catch of glimpse of Shakespeare as never seen before in either format.

Company: Luma Notti
Show: ABSURDITY: a burlesque experience
Venue: Rarig Center Thrust

Butts & Boobs, Flesh & Ink, Bring Cash!

Devised burlesque bursted open the Fringe doors to a whole new world this year and may have brought in a whole new audience. Devised refers to art created by the full ensemble, which the Fringe has seen in new theater work for years, but never burlesque. Congratulations to all who brought this amazing show to fruition. What a celebration of bodies in all shapes and sizes, sexuality, sensuousness, community, and individuality. It is also educational. Did you know that the Twin Cities was a burlesque capitol of the country until much of it was burned down. Now it is a growing and celebratory community again. May it continue here at the MN Fringe!

Company: Helena K Cosentino
Show: Gilda: A Tribute to the Beloved Comedienne Gilda Radner
Venue: Southern Theater

I Met Helena at Fringe Central. Loved Gilda!

I met Helena at Fringe Central. Loved Gilda! Seeing this show is one of the best results of going to Fringe Central and mingling with traveling & local artists, audiences, and staff. I immediately connected with Helena, who is from Kansas City and brilliantly making the rounds at fringes throughout North America. This show was not originally on my must-see list, but wow am I glad I went! It was funny, informative, sad, hopeful, and a magnificent tribute to Gilda, well-loved and an inspiration to Helena and many others. I was amazed a traveling artist could have a set with so many props, costumes, wigs and more to set up and strike is such a short time. I enjoyed the videos and slides, which as a person with a neurological disability I must say were high quality and not disruptive to me. Kudos to lighting and sound. Opening night audience had artists and diehard fringe-goers! See this show and support a traveling artist, who is supporting Gilda’s Club Twin Cities!

Company: Clucklesworth Productions
Show: Pearl and Eugene: One Last Shtick
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Stick with the Shtick!

Nancy and Robert, well-loved throughout the Twin Cities and beyond, are the perfect actors for this original script of the 30th MN Fringe. It is funny, heart wrenching, foreboding, plot-twisting, and very entertaining. Great supporting acting from Avi and Robb. Avi, you will be greatly missed as you make your way to Chicago. See this delightful show!

Company: ThickWater
Show: The Duet
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Show Some Love and See Traveling and Local Duet

I enjoyed the nice duet with a transition into their hotel room and scenes between the past and the present. I was amazed at the minimalistic, yet perfect set, props, costumes and wigs that needed to be set up and struck in a short amount of time. Regarding sound: they projected well without a mic in the hotel scenes, and I appreciated the use of the microphone as a prop and for sound quality during concerts. Show some love and support traveling and local artists. Thanks.

Company: Ashen Armor Productions
Show: The Definition of Loss
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

At a Loss with Loss

Having known loss in many forms, including the death of a parent when I was young, I am surprised I found myself at a loss with loss. I found myself confused and pondering many questions at the beginning and throughout the performance, which unfortunately pulled me away from the show. Then I was drawn in by poignant moments, which were moving and reminiscent of loss that cannot be so much explained, but experienced. I particularly enjoyed the dance within the play which personified grief beyond words.

Company: Shelter Repertory Dance Theatre
Show: Doline: Emerging into the Light
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Between the Pauses & Dashes

Between the pauses and the dashes, from birth until death, stories unfold through movement and spoken word. Sit with the pauses, sink into the hole. I love the combination of dance and story, as experienced with Kim Neal Nofsinger in a unique style. Life is not linear. We move back and forth, again and again. The movement, the angst of not fitting in, losses, death, finding one’s own light from which to emerge. Not only dance, but individual movements, repeated with the same words, yet different each time. Take this journey with Kim. You will be glad you did.

Company: Cornucopia Productions
Show: The Place I Return To
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Prayers of Prose and Pain-filled Poetry

Where does one go when one cannot face life, themselves, others, Allah or the Divine by any name? Abdimalik turns to the empty page and fills it with five years of prose and painfilled poetry between the ages of 18 through 22. Abdimalik takes us on a very personal journey of vulnerability with courage as he shares his words about living with depression, disassociation, suicidal ideation and more until he is eventually able to return to Muslim prayers and rituals. Opening night was his 22nd birthday! Welcome him into a wondrous 22nd year by filling the audience throughout the fringe! You won’t want to miss this one.

Company: Ken Takata
Show: Butts in Seats: How to Get People to Attend Your Shakespeare Production by Having Musical Settings for the Lyrics in His Plays. Numerous Examples Included.
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Dilemmas. Dilemmas? Fear Not!

Dilemmas. Dilemmas? Fear Not! Too much material from which to choose of a single performance or the whole fringe?Such a dilemma, not. Come once, twice… five times! Each show will be different, and yet not. Opening night, we were graced by composer, Ken Takata, and five female vocalists exploring songs of Shakespeare in various musical traditions: a funeral dirge, a local lounge act, glam rock like Rocky Horror (but don’t bring TP or umbrellas, please), a beautiful love song between women and so much more. Takata set the stage for songs from As You Like It, Much Ado About Nothing, Twelfth Night, the Tempest, Midsummer’s Night Dream, a Sonnet and more. We were even treated to two different musical interpretations to the same lyrics twice. Ponder not that one the different show content but celebrate the invitation to return as often as you like it! (Side note: each venue is limited to two mics. One was used for the vocalists and the other for the keyboards. Takata’s introductions are fantastic, but sometimes lost behind his Covid mask. Sit up front and read More Information on their show page.)
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