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2023 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: milli manchester

Company: Nightfall Productions
Show: Fargo Allegro
Venue: Rarig Center Thrust

Three Cheers to The Wind!!

I thoroughly enjoyed this show! I loved how the toole was used on stage to show the blowing wind! I would smile so much as that moved around the stage! This show was so funny and engaging! I loved all of the accents and I'm always a sucker for Fringe shows with large casts. So very happy I squeaked this performance in on the closing day!

Company: Rebecca Wickert and Ella Eastman-Kiesow
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Great Dancing and Movement!!!

The dancing and movement was so amazing I wanted more of that! I couldn't follow what they were saying and found myself kind of bored, just waiting for more choreo.

Company: Rail Time Productions
Show: Rails!
Venue: Rarig Center Xperimental


I am not a prude and am pro sex worker for men, women, and those who identify in between. But there is a right way and an uncomfortable way to pull off this kind of plot line. The show felt like it was full of 'antics and hijinks' that you might expect from a Disney Channel sitcom, which paired with prostitution plot line, does not a comfortable story make. The penthouse reading was more cringe than edgy as it didn't come off as satirical in the slightest. The turn of events were fun, but the vibe was not right. It had more of a creepy vibe to it than quirky. I felt really uncomfortable at the multiple veiled masturbation references the friend makes. I actually felt upset at a line that was said- referring to the stake out: 'All those girls in costume coming and going, I had to go home and take care of that.' The set was cool. I liked the shop.

Company: Noah Gundermann
Show: Write Me Letters
Venue: Augsburg Mainstage

Sweet, sweet story

This was a very sweet story. I enjoyed it. I struggled a bit with "Grandma" being in her 30's/ 40's- but Grandma's vocals were beautiful! I think for future casting it would be lovely to see a senior playing this part. I liked the paralleled arches of both characters transitioning both into and out of their independence. It was a lovely show.

Company: [Un]Qualified
Venue: Southern Theater

Word of Mouth Attendance!

So. Glad. I. Made. It!!!! This may have been my favorite show! The physical comedy was spot on! The timing was great! The story hilarious! The going upstairs bit had me rolling! I absolutely loved this show! What a happy, happy surprise!

Company: EnCompass Theatre
Show: Funny, Like an Abortion
Venue: Rarig Center Arena


This is necessary theater. I will say I felt a bit sick at times, the content is heavy. The show took a dystopian bent for dramatic effect but the content is triggering enough as is... we could have maybe done without it. THAT SAID- my opinion is coming from someone living in a sanctuary state- I have privileged access. Tangentially I was encouraged by the number of men in the crowd.

Company: Jackdonkey Productions
Show: Dock Work
Venue: Rarig Center Thrust

Very loud

I loved the hats. The movement was fun to watch. The yarn interplay created a fun visual but I didn't piece together what the message was really about. Yes- I know. Unions, but like... how did the movement and yarn and band really cohesively put that message together? Dock workers and Starbucks have unionization in common, I guess...

Company: Spektakular Theatre
Show: A Jingle Jangle Morning
Venue: Rarig Center Arena

I loved this show to the moon and back!

I LOVED THIS SHOW! The set design exceeded all expectations! The use of props and costumes were fabulous! I've seen over 20 shows at this point and in terms of set design and aesthetic- this show wins! I found the story entertaining and well acted. The physicality was fun and it felt magical. If you are on the fence, GO!

Company: Blinking Eye Theatre
Show: Romeo & Juliet Are Dead
Venue: Rarig Center Arena

Artistically Done!

I tend to hate Shakespearean renditions, especially at The Fringe but this had me intrigued and was getting a lot of buzz. It was great! I liked the physicality and the way they were able to fuse modern day language with iambic pentameter. I was also impressed with the ways in which they addressed love being something more than a fixation. To paraphrase Juliet says- 'Don't use me to fill a void that you have. We both deserve better that.' I wanted to holler- OMG!!! Did I just hear someone share a healthy stance on a romantic relationship out loud in art- in the age of reality TV?!! This is a story of codependency turned deadly- this show was well done!

Company: Flavorade Foucault
Show: Shark Grant
Venue: Rarig Center Xperimental

I had hoped the "sharks" would be in shark costume

The overall idea of this show was silly and fun but when compared to some of the other productions in the festival it's hard to give a 5 kitty rating. I loved the survey monkey QR code but there were too many downside at play in the show I attended. The Texan shark didn't maintain her accent throughout, and thus might have done better with another background story. At the Friday night show it seemed there were some of the cast members' friends in the crowd who were competing for attention with the performers. It was actually to the point of significant distraction. The almost performative, exaggerated laughter and howling from the friend group in the back was too much to sit through. It made me want to leave- but because of the way the venue is set up, leaving would have caused more ruckus. Also- weird twist to have a broke shark- I'm not sure this was intentional... and then the outed broke shark's dad won? The incongruity of it all broke my brain a little bit, not unlike that hobbling contestant's toe.

Company: PB (&J) Productions
Show: Mischief in Ink: The School Prank of '03
Venue: Rarig Center Xperimental


This show was giving some 'drama club one act competition' vibes. Stylistically, I find that interesting and I wonder if that was on purpose? Either way it worked. The show was cute.

Company: Sandbox Theatre
Show: Yes No Maybe (please explain)
Venue: Rarig Center Thrust

Relies on nostalgia heavily

This show had a fun multimedia concept but relied a bit too heavily on those wanting to stroll down memory lane. I would have preferred more of an actual storyline. The idea was solid but the execution lacking. That said- it takes a lot of effort to put a show together and the cast seemed to be having fun!

Company: The Brothers Dangus
Show: The Brothers Dangus Vol. 2: The People v. Dango (A Court-Mandated Parable)
Venue: Rarig Center Thrust

Poop jokes

This is what happens when you let cis-het white dudes write a show when mom and dad are not looking. Half of the time I looked on in horror. Half of the time I was dying laughing. Half of the time I was not sure what they were talking about. And half of the time I wasn't sure if Nicholas Cage was there. Why are there so many halves?

Company: Allison Broeren
Show: Fire in My Veins: Blazing through Life with Invisible Illness
Venue: Strike Theater


Allison's stories are always hilarious! She is a masterful storyteller. She connects to her crowd well. I personally struggled with the part where she talked about how COVID leveled the playing field- as COVID was traumatic as hell for us all- but I suppose I see where she was coming from. I also liked the spoons in the background. They looked fun to color.

Company: David Stillman
Show: Grindr Help Desk: The Musical
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Let's Just Cuddle

This show was well written, performed, and just fabulous down to every detail! The programs with the joke- candy. Even Candice's ritual that she does to get a create screen names sends a lovely aroma wafting through the air in the theater. All of these sensory details enhanced the overall experience! This was fabuloussssss!!!! It is a must see!

Company: Two Minnie Cooks
Show: New Origins: Beauty and the Beast
Venue: Rarig Center Thrust

The re-wrote the tale that's old as time...

There are many aspects of this show that I enjoyed. The vocals were great and I'm a sucker for Fringe shows that actually have sets and use props and have actors in costumes! The cast did great. They are talented, no question. But I found myself screaming silently to myself things like- 'No! She doesn't like Gaston! He's not a sensitive reading type!' 'Belle doesn't have a mommmmm!' 'It's gonna end like that? He's just gonna sit--' So while the set was great and that costumes were lovely and the set was fun- down to the giant turkey on the table (that made me smile big!)- I wanted to slap the script across the face. Open handed, of course.

Company: Mary Willmeng/Willmeng Dances
Show: Little Pieces
Venue: Theatre in the Round


I loved this. After a stressful day of work I came into this space a bundle of tension and just felt it melt off. The music was soothing the movement was captivating. Not once did I look at the time. The set that ended in the three person cuddle puddle brought tears to my eyes. Stunning! I can't recommend this one enough. It was beautiful!

Company: Hey Rube!
Show: Behemoth
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Upside Down and Inside Out

This was not Orzel Rising, which was my very fave show last year!!! However, the cast did a great job and this show stood alone in it's own right. It was entertaining and makes you think. To parrot other reviewers, the pamphlet was necessary. Had I not read that in the prior to the show, I'd have been screwed. That said, the ending came full circle and was deeply satisfying! :)

Company: Ghoulish Delights
Show: 5 Prisoners
Venue: Southern Theater


5 vignettes about how people can be prisoners? Was that the deal? 2 of the 5 vignettes I didn't understand at all. The timeline was so disjointed that it was unclear what happened. Like... literally. Was this supposed to be a Twilight Zone type show? There are good actors in this show. The writing did not serve them.

Company: Michael Shaeffer
Show: Everything Bagel
Venue: Strike Theater

Fan Fiction meets Poetry Slam

This was so goofy and so fringe! This artist is up there enjoying the shit out of himself! It shows and makes the whole thing work! There was a sampling of poetry structures and pop culture references. He is comfortable in his skin and makes you comfortable in yours. I really enjoyed this.

Company: Mike Fotis Productions
Show: The Windblown Cheeks Of Lovers
Venue: Strike Theater

Eventually comes full circle

This was funny and had its moments! I enjoyed it. The idea was unique and I thought it was a fun approach. I struggled to keep up with who was who throughout the performance, though as 3 actors had several characters. I couldn't keep track of who everyone was and all of their perspectives and it wasn't until the end that it all made sense, but by then I felt that many of the jokes throughout the show were probably lost on me as I was trying to Colombo things together. I struggled to hear well- was it the acoustics in the room? Was it just me?

Company: Phina Pipia
Show: Ha Ha Da Vinci
Venue: Southern Theater

artistic whimsy

this was great! I was surprised at the engaging physicality and expression of it all, actually. the movement pulled me in more than I expected. I kept waiting for something to happen or more resolve but it was great. The magic and sleight of hand parts were absolutely charming!

Venue: Rarig Center Xperimental

Musical Improv

This is a difficult form to pull off. They appeared to be having fun. An hour felt a bit long for a single group for improv but they did a good job.

Company: Viet Nguyen
Show: Reincarnation Soup
Venue: Southern Theater

waves of emotion paired balanced with laughter

this show was great! the writing, acting, and scene work were all equally well done! that is not easy to pull off. very well done! don't skip this one.

Company: Jason Schommer
Show: 1992: Mistakes Were Made!
Venue: Rarig Center Xperimental


This is inspiring! I loved the honesty and reflection in this! Very funny. This is worth the watch!

Company: an alleged Theatre Company
Show: A Swimming Lesson in a Theatre Without a Lifeguard
Venue: Theatre in the Round

There were fun moments

The accent didn't land with me. The concept was fun and silly but the show started to feel long. I'd hoped for more.

Company: Melancholics Anonymous
Show: A Girl Scout’s Guide to Exorcism
Venue: Rarig Center Arena

Goofy Good Time!

This was great! Relatable! I'd have loved to have seen more demonic physicality but overall this was hilarious! Epitome of Fringe! The hawk was a truly fantastic touch!

Company: What's Next Productions
Show: Pillow Talk
Venue: Rarig Center Arena


First of all- Thank you for making this so gay! Solid kitty for that alone. However- it became completely unclear what the heck was happening. Horror? Fine. But like... literally what happened? I have no idea. I was confused the bad kind of way. I actually really liked the vignettes and would have been invested in seeing them play out- even if they were going to be eerie. The seance could have been cut. The characters were too random and not likeable.

Company: MADROSA
Show: “Well-Made” Bread
Venue: Maison Bodega

Didn't "rise" to the occasion.

Started really strong! Props were oddly ambiguous, but not necessarily in a good way. Some fun physicality but overall, not high on the list. Lots of little arts and crafts touches making it quaint.
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