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2023 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Nicole Mellas

Company: Melancholics Anonymous
Show: A Girl Scout’s Guide to Exorcism
Venue: Rarig Center Arena

Awesome show!

Some of the best writing at the festival, plus awesome special effects and sheer perfection in the acting department. Congratulations!!

Company: Rebecca Wickert and Ella Eastman-Kiesow
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Gorgeous staging and score

Wow!! Congratulations to all. I had goosebumps basically the whole time. And I wish there was a Golden Lanyard award for best costume design because dang this show deserves it. I'll be thinking about a few of these stage pictures for months. Thank you for the inspiration!!!

Company: Shelter Repertory Dance Theatre
Show: Doline: Emerging into the Light
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Beautiful and contemplative

Absolutely loved the use of light in this piece, and how you literally used every muscle to tell this story. The dash imagery was also really effective. Thank you for sharing this with us. Much love to you.

Company: [Un]Qualified
Venue: Southern Theater


Trying to figure out how I can get added to this company's mailing list. Wow. Best of the 2023 Fringe.

Company: What's Next Productions
Show: Pillow Talk
Venue: Rarig Center Arena

Workshop stage of a compelling play!

There are a lot of pieces here that I'm excited to see come together. If there are further workshops or stage readings as you develop this piece, I would love to participate. Please keep me posted! All the actors did a great job, but of course I need to give a special shout out to the guy who joined the cast last minute. So glad you didn't have to cancel the show! I'm really glad I saw it.

Company: Wells Farnham
Show: Wells Is Third On The Waitlist
Venue: Augsburg Studio

Funny musings

A fun romp through the mind of Wells. If he gets in next year, I'd love to hear more stories from the mix of all his "guys." All that toy talk made my 90s heart happy!

Company: Destiny Davison
Venue: Rarig Center Xperimental

It doesn't need to be perfect...

... It just needs true! What lovely wisdom to share! The show was delightful. Well not THE show but A show. Destiny lets us into her imagination in such a charming and disarming way. This show felt like taking a deep breath and I'm still smiling. Destiny has two more shows so add this to your list!

Company: Lady Chamberlain Productions
Show: 4 Bisexuals and 2 Guys Named John Kill Dracula
Venue: Rarig Center Arena

Sincerity abounds!

Wow! These performers have just injected so much joy into the world! Loved the story, loved the fight choreo and special effects, loved the characters!! Looking forward to seeing what's next for Lady Chamberlain. Congrats!

Company: Snikt! Bamf!Thwip!
Show: John Wick by Tim Wick (no relation)
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Invite Keanu!

He would love it. I know I did! I went into this assuming that, like many great film-based Fringe shows, much of the comedy would come from fitting an entire movie (or in this case 4) into 55 minutes. And there was definitely some of that, to great effect! But this was so much more. This was essentially theatricalized film criticism. And I mean that in the true sense of the word criticism, which isn't just saying what you don't like about something. It means thoughtfully engaging with material on its own terms: its content, intentions, context well it fulfilled its OWN GOALS rather than how well it met your preconceived notions. Tim Wick manages to do all of this while still being really funny. Add the hilarious and energetic performers, the excellent staging, and 1500 nerf bullets? You get a Fringe must-see. You have two more chances to see this gem, so add it to your list!

Company: The Shrieking Harpies
Show: The Shrieking Harpies
Venue: Rarig Center Arena

Dads aren't depressed anymore!

I saw the Thursday show... Easily the weirdest outing I've seen yet and I LOVED IT. I have no idea how they get in and out of these stories but I sure do love to watch them. One of these years I just need to do a Harpies Fringe and just see all five shows. If you haven't seen them yet, you should!!

Company: Sandbox Theatre
Show: Yes No Maybe (please explain)
Venue: Rarig Center Thrust

It's a yes from me!

I loved all the individual pieces of this show ... The use of live video and the beautiful use of those mountains of paper, specifically. I hope they come back to this one and keep developing it because I think there is a lot here and I would love to see it again.

Company: Black Lives Black Words International Project
Show: Baldwin's Last Fire
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Beautiful performance

Impressive performances and impeccable staging. One of the best uses of an in-the-round space that I've seen in a long time.

Company: Helena K Cosentino
Show: Gilda: A Tribute to the Beloved Comedienne Gilda Radner
Venue: Southern Theater

A loving (and informative!) tribute

So lovely! Thank you for your energy and the joy you are putting into the world.

Company: an alleged Theatre Company
Show: A Swimming Lesson in a Theatre Without a Lifeguard
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Endlessly creative

I love their work, and I'm excited to follow them around outside the Fringe festival now. Their show last year was one of my favorites, and they have created magic again. Please go see this show!

Company: Clevername Theatre
Show: Mother Courage Bear and Her Children
Venue: Southern Theater

You will argue about Brecht after this show.

So please, make sure your relationships are in a solid place :-D. That said, I LOVED the show. I thought it was funny and thoughtful and smart, and I'm really impressed by how grounded the actors remained even when the words got silly.

Company: Rogues Gallery Arts
Show: My Only Hope for a Hero
Venue: Southern Theater

How will I answer the call

Another reviewer called this show a blessing, and that comes closest to how I feel, I think. Thank you, Duck! This was incredible and paradigm-shifting.

Company: Special When Lit and The Winding Sheet Outfit
Show: Stabby Stab Stab
Venue: Crane Theater

Hauntingly Beautiful

I've gone down the Slendy rabbit hole myself, though not to the same depth as Nissa! I have always felt so conflicted about it in a way I don't usually feel about murderers (or attempted murderers). This show really puts you in touch with all the nuances of the story and is so beautifully staged and directed. You could tell it was made for this space. Also very much appreciated the music/sound design. This one is a must-see.

Company: John Orenstein
Show: Extreme Roadshow
Venue: Phoenix Theater

Best Musical of the Fringe!

Okay, so I haven't seen EVERY musical in the Fringe but it doesn't get much better than this! Excellent structure, varied and catchy songs, acting that is both zany and heartfelt (a tough tightrope), and super fun choreography? This checks all the boxes!! See this show! Sell it out! Support PBS!!

Company: Clucklesworth Productions
Show: Pearl and Eugene: One Last Shtick
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

I want to be friends with these folks!

Wow, I loved this show! Loved the way Eugene and Pearl played off one another. It was a privilege to see such talented and seasoned performers, and I really hope I can watch them again. I'd go to the Pearl and Eugene show every day of the week :-D

Company: Ghoulish Delights
Show: 5 Prisoners
Venue: Southern Theater

Lots of talent on one stage

This was really thought-provoking, and these accomplished actors delivered some powerful performances. All of the pieces were incredibly smart, though some were more theatrical than others. All in all, a thoughtful meditation on what it means to be a prisoner. Excellent work!

Company: Nightfall Productions
Show: Fargo Allegro
Venue: Rarig Center Thrust

I haven't seen Fargo...

... But I didn't need to! This was so funny and clever. And such brilliant staging! It really used the space to full advantage. Great ensemble of actors and musicians, and special shout out to the people transitioning between the scenes... You made the magic!

Company: Spektakular Theatre
Show: A Jingle Jangle Morning
Venue: Rarig Center Arena

Whimsical kid-friendly fun!

The props and costumes alone are totally worth the ticket! Add the stellar performances and live sound?! Sheesh, what a Fringy treat.

Company: Phoenix Theater
Show: Phoenix Presents
Venue: Phoenix Theater

Aging in an age of change

This is important, compelling work. Impeccably staged and thoroughly researched, I assure you that you will leave both entertained and informed. I'm still processing everything I walked away with, but I wanted to get this review up fast so you don't miss your chance to see this next weekend. Put it on your list!!

Company: Paper Soul
Show: NPC! (Non-Player Character)
Venue: Rarig Center Xperimental

Great framing and concept; compelling stories

Even as the most casual of gamers, I very much appreciated Motz's (rhymes with boatses) use of the non-player character trope. As someone who has felt like an occupant of the passenger seat in her own life from time to time, I found both the concept and the individual stories highly relatable. Maybe that's too much to share in a Fringe review, but there is something about this show that encourages a little extra openness and vulnerability. Thank you, Motz, for a lovely afternoon of storytelling.

Company: Wet Splat Productions
Show: 20,000 Leagues Under the Telltale Heart
Venue: Rarig Center Arena

Smart and funny improvisors

Like some other reviewers, I did not know this show was going to be improv (even though it says so in the description). So know that going in so you understand you're in for a zany and unpredictable ride! I laughed a ton. I got a little creeped out by some EXCELLENT popping and locking used to great effect, and I enjoyed the live foley. Hans Christian Anderson was a real standout for me. So silly and delightful!

Company: Imaginary Podcast Network
Show: Let Me Say This About That
Venue: Rarig Center Xperimental

Top Notch Improv

Heather, Danna, and Raffi have a great structure for an improv show here. I can tell it's going to be a blast every night! Also, this is some of my favorite style of improv to watch because they're all very loving and generous with one another as performers. Oh, and PROPS! YAY FOR RIDICULOUS PROPS! Treat yourself to this show.

Company: Noah Gundermann
Show: Write Me Letters
Venue: Augsburg Mainstage

Don't wear mascara.

You will cry it all off and look like a raccoon. This show made me miss my Grandmas and my early 20s, so it was a lot of feels for a Friday afternoon. Lovely music and script, great use of the space, and excellent, grounded performances by both actors. Special shout out to the woman who played the Grandma. It's difficult to play someone so far outside your age range without relying on certain stereotypes or gimmicks. I was so impressed by the heart you brought to this role. You played it beautifully. Thank you all for beautiful theatrical experience!

Company: Phina Pipia
Show: Ha Ha Da Vinci
Venue: Southern Theater

Breath of fresh air

The word I keep coming back to when I tell other people about this show is "delightful." It is truly full of different types of delight. The performer casts a whimsical spell. Check it out!

Company: Madde Gibba
Show: Boy Crazy
Venue: Rarig Center Arena

I need to come back

Hilarious, smart, vulnerable yet sassy, joyful with a touch of poignancy... This show hits all the notes and hits them well. Also, if that full basket is any indication, there is a whole lot of content that I didn't get to see. So now I'm jealous of future audiences and I need to come back. Thanks for the laughs and the beautiful songs!

Company: Alchemy Arts
Show: When You Hear the Chime
Venue: Southern Theater

Lovingly Crafted and Beautifully Executed

I had high expectations for this show because Carey and Lester are both accomplished artists in their own rights (cabaret performance and dance, respectively) but truly this exceeded my expectations. It was a joy seeing the two of them blend their two disciplines into something even greater then the some of its parts. The staging was a true love letter to the Southern, as was the lighting design. And omg I teared up at the VERY FIRST SOUND CUE. This is a Fringe must see!

Company: Garrison Shea
Show: Allegro
Venue: Southern Theater

A blend of realistic and abstract

Absolutely loved the concept and the way it was woven through the story. The music really tugs at the heartstrings... I'm talking old-school Pixar level tugging. I'm thinking/hoping the issue with volume comes down to opening night kinks. Don't miss this show!

Company: Viet Nguyen
Show: Reincarnation Soup
Venue: Southern Theater

Beautiful performance

This actor does a really stunning job and I'm so grateful I saw the show. Viet is brings both levity and gravity to his many characters. Thank you for the vulnerable and masterful performance.
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